The t-shirt came about as comfortable underwear for dockers and workmen at the beginning of the 19th century

Before that, they had been wearing a shirt and trousers sewn together in strange-looking overalls. Parting them was a stroke of genius that gave birth to the t-shirt we know today. The T is because of its signature cut in the shape of that letter. As soon as the U.S. navy started wearing t-shirts, men all over the world wanted to have one.

Initially, it was designed to be worn under the uniform, but soldiers soon realized that they were much more comfortable wearing nothing over their t-shirts, especially in hot areas.

In the beginning, the T-shirt was reserved for men only

The second huge leap in the t-shirt’s popularity happened when movie and music stars started wearing it. Hollywood bad boys James Dean and Marlon Brando made the t-shirt a symbol of masculinity. In many of their movies, both men wore sexy t-shirts as a symbol of their rebellious spirit.

Rock and, later, rap stars also discovered the t-shirt as a comfortable and stylish stage outfit. Today, long t-shirts and big-visor caps are mandatory for all R&B and Soul artists. Many rock stars are famous for wearing bizarre-looking t-shirts on stage.

The t-shirt has long ago ceased to be something that men used to put on while working in the garden or the garage, or when doing sports. It is now an important part of every men’s sport-elegant style. Wearing a t-shirt under a formal jacket is not unusual during business talks.

The T-shirt’s design has changed several times

T-shirts are mostly made out of cotton, as their primary purpose is to be comfortable and practical. Cotton fabrics let your skin breathe and are pleasant to touch. That’s why everybody loves wearing a t-shirt regardless of the season.

In the beginning, almost all t-shirts were white, but these days have long passed. Now, the t-shirt has evolved to express its wearer’s style. T-shirts appear in many different designs and color patterns. Some of them are stamped, others are embossed with different symbols, signs, pictures, and whatever one can think of.

1INMIND’s T-shirts Express Your Perception of The World

1INMIND’s dedicated designers have developed a unique t-shirt design. Our product is much more than a piece of underwear. It is a personalized expression of your idea of the world. As soon as you put it on, you’ll immediately get noticed wherever you go.

Our designs are original and stylish, as well as comfortable. Our brand is a symbol of quality in men’s and women’s fashion alike. 1INMIND’s wide variety of sport-elegant designs means that the online shop has something for every taste. Our t-shirts are made with quality, style, and comfort in mind.

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